Anthony Civarelli (CIV) scrive un libro riguardo alla vita da tour con gli YOUTH OF TODAY, mentre PORCELL annuncia una nuova band

ago 31, 2023 0 comments

Di Matteo Paganelli

Grandi news per tutti gli amanti degli Youth of Today e dei CIV: Anthony Civarelli ha scritto un libro a proposito del periodo passato in tour con la SxEx hardcore band YOT, ai tempi del Break Down The Walls” tour del 1987.

La sinossi del libro recita:
“In the summer of 1987, a hardcore kid from Queens, New York, set out on a summer adventure that would forever change the course of his life. Anthony Civorelli (better known as Civ) accompanied by six friends, headed west to play music and try to change the world.

This book is based on his daily journal writings while working as a roadie on the tour. It serves as a time capsule and a look into life on the road as a teenager in the punk and hardcore scenes in the 1980s.

In this book, CIV talks about being for the first time on a tour across the United States together with his friends and Hardcore luminaries Youth Of Today during their 1987 Break Down The Walls tour in support of their LP of the same title.

The book is full of pictures, flyers and much more, along with CIV’s unique storytelling and memories based on a diary he kept during the tour.”

Qui alcune immagini del libro

“A Rodie Tale” uscirà il prossimo settembre per Tribal Books (qui il pre.ordine: “A Roadies Tale” by CIV – PRE ORDER – Tribal Books).

Contemporaneamente Porcell, chitarrista degli Youth of Today, ci presenta un suo nuovo progetto chiamoto Values Here. La band è formata dalla cantante Chui, che Porcell ha incontrato a Barcellona durante una data degli Shelter, il bassista Tim Brooks dei Bold e il batterista Vinny Panza.
La band pubblicherà il disco di esordio “Take Your Time, I’ll Be Waiting” il prossimo 22 settembre per End Hits Records (qui il pre-ordine: VALUES HERE – End Hits Records), mentre qui sotto potete ascoltare e vedere il video del primo singolo estratto Will Be Tomorrow.

Queste, infine, le parole di Porcell a proposito della sua nuova band:

“Personally I always like to push the envelope with every band and record I do. I never just want to live off of past accomplishments and recreate a sound I did with previous bands just because I know it will be immediately accepted. I’d rather push forward and always challenge myself to make newer and more interesting music. I knew Chui was an amazing singer so I wanted to write songs that would showcase her voice and harmonies. I’m a punk rocker at heart so I’ll always make music that’s energetic and rallies around a message, but for this record I wanted to go further into the melodic side of things.”



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